The Glove Box

3 things you can do when your semi-truck has been in an accident

Every driver’s worst nightmare, an auto accident. You can prepare day-in and day-out, pass your CDL with flying colors and be at the top of your class, but no matter what you do there are some things you can’t control. Auto accidents happen everywhere, every day and they happen when they aren’t your fault. Even though you may experience a tragic situation such as this we want to help prepare you just in case. 

3 things you can do when your semi-truck has been in an accident:

  1. Start with the basics
  2. Contact your employer
  3. Document the situation

Start with the basics

If you’ve been in an accident, first and foremost make sure everyone is okay. Once you’ve done that it is your responsibility to call 9-1-1 to get emergency assistance on the scene. The accident needs to be documented by government officials.

Contact your employer

Once you’ve done the basics and you are waiting for the officer to arrive on the scene, be sure you contact your employer to let them know that you were in an accident and that everything is okay. Depending on the severity of the accident it may cause a delay in your delivery and your employer needs to be able to communicate to the party in waiting. 

Document the situation

Get the license plate numbers, make, and model of the cars involved. It doesn’t happen often, but some vehicles do flee the scene of an accident and we don’t want that to happen to you. Write down everything you can, but keep it for your records. Your insurance company will need your statement and if there are no witnesses involved it’s your word against theirs. Be sure that you get everything down while it’s still fresh in your mind and if needed contact your lawyer immediately. 

We hope that you never have to experience an auto accident, but they often happen to everyone. Our maintenance division can handle anything from major roll-over repairs to rebuilds. Simply call us at 1-800-440-9523 and we’ll be right there to help get you back on the road.

Did you find our tips helpful? Don’t forget that NDI is your one-stop-shop for getting the job done. Just stop by our store today at 2084 North Dixie Highway, Lima, Ohio 45801 or call us at 419-222-8785 to make an appointment. And if an emergency does strike, our 24/7 Emergency Service line is always ready to help, 1-800-440-9523.