The Glove Box

3 Trucker Winter Maintenance Tips

When those chilly temperatures arrive you have more to worry about than just driving safely. Along with freezing temperatures comes winter rig maintenance. It’s important that you take the time to really get in a perform preventive maintenance before you head out. The last thing you want to run into is truck issues during a snowstorm. It’s always better to be prepared than to try and fix issues while you are on your next trip. 

3 trucker winter maintenance tips that you need to know:

  1. Inspect your charging systems.
  2. Don’t forget your brakes.
  3. Last but not least, check your tires.

Inspect your charging systems.

Your batteries run a lot of important things in your rig. Look over your batteries, cables, etc. You will want to look for damage, corrosion, and weird smells. You may even want to have your batteries inspected by a professional as part of your preventive maintenance. When you do this, you will be able to see if your battery equipment will survive the harsh winter weather. 

Don’t forget your brakes. 

Your brakes are important. You want to have good brakes when you are driving through snow and ice. Without good brakes, you are running a higher risk of facing an accident. Be sure to have a professional change your brakes or inspect their condition before you head out on the road. The condition of your brakes is not something you want to take lightly. 

Last but not least, check your tires.

Everyone has heard, when the temperature drops so does the pressure in your tires. You will always want to check your tire pressure before every haul. You don’t want to head out with low tire pressure. Having low tire pressure is a recipe for an accident especially when you experience slick road conditions. Along with tire pressure, you will always want to check the tread on your tires. If you notice a lot of wear, you may want to consider just getting new tires. Having good tires is part of being a good driver. The little stuff ends up being the big stuff in the end. Take the time you need to take care of your rig. 

Did you find our tips helpful? Don’t forget that NDI is your one-stop-shop for getting the job done. Just stop by our store today at 2084 North Dixie Highway, Lima, Ohio 45801 or call us at 419-222-8785 to make an appointment. And if an emergency does strike, our 24/7 Emergency Service line is always ready to help, 1-800-440-9523.