The Glove Box

Four trucker spring driving safety tips

Spring is here! There is nothing better than hopping in your rig and finally rolling down the windows after a long and cold winter. With music playing in the background and the wind blowing through your hair, there is truly nothing better. Even though you are enjoying the new season, don’t forget you need to be cautious when it comes to driving in the spring. Why? Because most people get caught up in the moment and even forget how fast they are truly going.

Four trucker spring driving safety tips:

Watch for construction.
Pay attention to the speed limit signs.
Keep sunglasses handy.
Slow down during and after rain showers.

Watch for construction.

When the weather changes, so does the construction activity on the interstate. With more construction comes more responsibility. That means you need to pay attention to the road construction signs that indicate a change in speed, watch for construction workers, make safe lane changes, and slow down. Not only do you risk injuring other but you risk injuring yourself when you are not attentive.

Pay attention to the speed limit signs.

The speed limit is changing constantly in road construction zones. Don’t get a speeding ticket because you weren’t paying attention to the signs. Sometimes the speed limit change is only effective during certain hours and sometimes it is all day.

Keep sunglasses handy.

With springtime comes longer days, which means more sunshine. Don’t let the bright rays of the sunblock or hinder your vision while on the road. Not only does the sun’s harmful UV rays damage your eyes and skin, but it can hinder your vision while driving.

Slow down during and after rain showers.

Did you know that you shouldn’t have your cruise control on while driving on wet roads? Take the necessary safety precautions while the roads are wet. Make sure that your wiper blades are newer and that they work. Checking them on nice days is the best way to do it. Always slow down during rain showers. When the roads are wet it is harder for you and your rig to make a complete stop. Stay safe out there!

Don’t forget that NDI is your one-stop shop for getting the job done. Just stop by our store today at 2084 North Dixie Highway, Lima, Ohio 45801 or call us at 419-222-8785 to make an appointment. And if an emergency does strike, our 24/7 Emergency Service line is always ready to help, 1-800-440-9523.