The Glove Box

Semi-Truck Spring Maintenance: How Often Should You Check Your Springs

The springs in your truck are very important to monitor because they help to keep your truck riding smoothly on the road. Springs will help to keep your truck running longer and play a vital role in your truck’s suspension system. So you might be wondering how often you need to check your springs? We will go over that in this blog.

Where are the springs located and how important are they?

Springs are part of the suspension system of your truck and will be located between the wheels and the frame of your truck. Springs help your truck to compensate for any irregularity in road surfaces. When you hit a bump, your truck bounces off the springs. The springs are extremely important in semi-trucks because they provide comfort, precise handling, and load-bearing capability. As a semi-driver, you have driven plenty of miles and seen some not rough patches of roads. The springs help you to get through these rough patches and keep you going on your way.

Warning signs that your springs need to be checked

There are some warning signs to take notice of in your truck that could indicate you’re your springs are going bad and may need to be replaced:

  • Swaying: You notice your vehicle sway a significant amount whenever you hit a bump
  • Leaning: A significant lean to one side of the truck or the other that seems to be abnormal.
  • Sagging: When the truck is loaded, you notice a sag in the truck that is lower than normal. You may also notice this if you seem to be riding lower.
  • Excessive bouncing: When you hit a bump and your truck bounces more than normal.
  • Rougher riding quality: Your truck begins to shake more and rides much less smoothly.

If you notice any of these potential warning signs in your truck, you should immediately check your springs to see if they need to be replaced.

What to look for when checking your springs

When checking your springs, it is important to understand what to look for on your springs that could indicate that you need new springs.

  • Rust and Deterioration: The springs on your truck are usually painted to protect them from rust or deterioration. If you notice that the paint is gone and the coils have started to rust, your springs may not be performing the way they should be.
  • Cracking: If your springs have cracked, broken, or missing pieces, you should definitely look into having them replaced immediately.

How long do springs typically last?

Springs in can sometimes last for the entire life of a car. This is not typically the case in semi-trucks. Springs can wear out due to fatigue over time. This fatigue typically comes from heavy-duty use and carrying heavy loads. The longevity of the springs varies from truck to truck. This all depends on how many miles you are putting on per day, the conditions of the roads that you are traveling, and the size of the loads that you are transporting.

Driving on bad springs is unpleasant and can render your driving abilities. If you suspect that one of the springs in your truck is failing or is about to fail, you should stop by North Dixie Truck and & Trailer to have your springs replaced.