The Glove Box

Spring Maintenance Tips for Semi Trucks

The cold winter snow has melted or at least started to, so that means spring cleaning and maintenance is officially upon us. With warmer temperatures approaching, spring is a great time to give your rig some much needed TLC and get it ready for the new season. Although there are so many maintenance tips you can check out, we have listed 5 of the top ones below!

Spring Maintenance Tips

  • Check your batteries, plugs, and wires
  • Inspect your brakes
  • Test suspension and wheel alignment
  • Check and maintain tire pressure
  • Make sure all your fluids are at proper levels

Check your batteries, plugs, and wires

After a long winter filled with cold starts, it is important to check your batteries, plugs, and wires. Since they are working harder during the winter months, they might need repaired or even replaced come springtime. Winter wear and tear can compromise your batteries, plugs, and wires performance up to 60 percent. 

Inspect your brakes

The cold winter alone can cause serious wear on your brakes, but if you spent a lot of time driving on snow or ice, your brakes might be even more damaged. You should check the whole brake system including lines, hoses, parking brake, and brake fluid. Brakes are easily one of the most used and abused components so it is important to maintain them.

Test suspension and wheel alignment

Maintaining alignment and suspension is often an overlooked step. However, due to spring being infamous for potholes, aligning your rig beforehand can prevent it from getting too out of alignment later on. Proper alignment can truly make your drive so much smoother.

Check and maintain tire pressure

Colder temperatures will usually reduce your tire pressure. It is important to regularly check your tire’s pressure throughout the whole year, not just during the winter months. Tire pressure that is too low can lead to premature wear on your tires and decrease the fuel mileage. 

Make sure all your fluids are at proper levels

This last tip is one that should be done year-round, which is why it’s important to mention time and time again. Low or dirty fluid may affect performance and can even lead to break downs. Fluids to periodically check include engine oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, antifreeze/coolant, and windshield wiper fluid. It is easier to check your fluid ahead of time rather than end up broken down on the side of the road.