The Glove Box

The items every trucker should carry in their rig during the winter

By now, you are fearless when it comes to traveling in the winter. But, that doesn’t mean you have it all together. Accidents can happen whether it’s our fault or another vehicle on the road. We want to be sure that if an accident occurs that you have the needed items in your rig to help keep you safe and warm until help arrives. 

The items every trucker should carry in their rig during the winter:

  • Extra clothing
  • Warm coat
  • Flashlight
  • Batteries
  • Food
  • Water
  • Blanket
  • Jumper cables
  • Windshield scraper
  • Half a tank of gas to avoid freezing

While this list is just a handful of things you may need, we understand that there are other items you may personally need. If you have any health conditions, be sure that you have items you may need in case of an emergency.

Winter Roads

The winter weather, while pretty while you are watching it from inside a warm home can be treacherous to those on the road. It is important that you, the driver, are aware of the best practices while on the road to your next dropoff or pickup. 

It’s important that you always do a pre-inspection before heading out to ensure that your tires, brakes, fluids, and lights are all working properly. Once you are out on the road you will want to make sure that you are going a safe speed and keeping a good distance between you and the other drivers. This will help keep you and those on the road safe in case an abrupt stop occurs.

Icy locations

With all of your years of experience, you know that different roads have different hazardous conditions for drivers. That means driving through the mountains and across bridges hold a higher risk for accidents as they tend to be icier than normal roadways.

If you get stranded it is important that you stay in your vehicle until help arrives. If you venture outside of your vehicle you are at a higher risk for freezing to death or getting hit by another vehicle when visibility is low.  

Did you find our tips helpful? Don’t forget that NDI is your one-stop-shop for getting the job done. Just stop by our store today at 2084 North Dixie Highway, Lima, Ohio 45801 or call us at 419-222-8785 to make an appointment. And if an emergency does strike, our 24/7 Emergency Service line is always ready to help, 1-800-440-9523.