The Glove Box

How to prevent semi truck fires

No one wants to deal with a fire, especially while you are driving. Trucking fires happen due to overheated tires, faulty wiring, and so on, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try your best to prevent one from happening to you and your rig. Fires can cause accidents, injury, death, and cause you to be late for your delivery. In order to reduce the risk of a truck fire happening to you, we want to provide you with some helpful tips.

How to prevent truck fires:

  1. Don’t smoke. Whether you think so or not smoking while driving let alone hauling hazmat is a hazard and distraction. Smoke butts and ashes can potentially catch your other trash fire, so save the smoke break for designated areas outside of your vehicle for your protection and for the protection of others.
  2. Did you know that old brakes that are dragging can actually start a fire? It’s true! When you perform preventive maintenance on your vehicle you will be able to catch potential hazards such as this.
  3. How often do you check the tire pressure on your truck? Under-inflated tires are actually at a higher risk for fire due to the dragging and friction that can happen. Always be sure to check the tire pressure on your rig whenever possible in order to prevent a fire from happening.
  4. Faulty wiring is also a fire hazard waiting to happen. Check all of these wires at least once a month and be sure to clean off any dirt or build-up that may have happened due to other grease or dirt particles floating around.

If you happen to experience a fire while you are driving be sure to pull off the road away from any trees or buildings that could potentially catch fire as soon as possible. Then call 911 as soon as possible to report the incident. If you can, also stop traffic around your vehicle so there are no other accidents or casualties due to the unfortunate incident. Also, be sure to stay out of your vehicle and wait for the emergency vehicles to show up.

Don’t forget that NDI is your one-stop shop for getting the job done. Just stop by our store today at 2084 North Dixie Highway, Lima, Ohio 45801 or call us at 419-222-8785 to make an appointment. And if an emergency does strike, our 24/7 Emergency Service line is always ready to help, 1-800-440-9523.